We like to think everyday is World Oceans Day at Algenesis: World Ocean Day 2021

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June 7, 2021

World Oceans Day: A day to shine awareness on our oceans and reflect on just how important they are to life on this planet. This is something we are constantly thinking about here at Algenesis. This year, World Oceans day is focused on the life and livelihood the ocean upholds. The theme is “ The Ocean: Life and Livelihood”.

Algnensis was founded on the understanding that our oceans are in danger and action needs to be taken immediately. Specifically, our mission is to help fight plastic pollution. This may seem like a large undertaking, right? With the amount of single use plastic products being produced, there is already so much waste in our oceans and landfills. This leads to a number of problems which directly affect humans and our livelihoods. These plastics break down into small microplastics over time which are then ingested by sea life which humans consume.

Algenesis is focused on finding solutions to eliminate waste from our oceans so that in turn, humans and our planet are left healthier. Our scientists are redesigning plastic in a way that works with nature and not against it. Our Soleic technology is the worlds first high performance, renewable, and fully biodegradable plant based plastic material.

This technology is extremely important and we are here to let you in on our exciting project. Our scientists are working towards creating a material which will biodegrade in the ocean! That's right, no trace left behind has been taken to a new level. This means cleaner and safer oceans for humans to enjoy for generations to come.

Algenesis cares deeply about our oceans. We are surfers and ocean lovers. The ocean is our playground and our refuge. We see science as the answer to tackling ocean pollution and we are proving this is possible with the success of our technology.